What's New in Designer 3.5 M1
Role-based Entitlements
Designer Role-based Entitlements allows you to manage association between the entitlements and the users. The Entitlements Service Driver implements entitlements through entitlement policies.
Rich Client Platform (RCP)
Designer is now a full fledged RCP application. Being an RCP application, the overall performance of Designer is significantly improved while its post install size on disk is reduced. Designer RCP indicates improved performance in several areas including a dip in installation time, time taken to launch the workspace, import/export multiple projects, create/delete/save projects, and in several live operations. Designer RCP offers an improved and simpler look and feel thus enhancing usability.
Schema Compare
Schema Compare compares the Designer Identity Vault schema with the live Identity Vault Schema. You can launch the Schema Compare Dialog by right clicking on 'ID Vault' > Live > Schema > Compare. Once you launch the dialog, it displays a list of schema attributes and classes that differ between the Designer and the Identity Vault. In addition, you can also see the classes and attributes in the schema. When you select an individual class or an attribute, it shows the compare status as equal or unequal. You can also view the differences between the individual classes/attributes in the bottom half of the dialog.
Structured Global Configuration Values
Structured global configuration values allow you to place GCVs into a group. You do this by creating a template containing the GCVs that you want in the group, along with their default values. Then, you create instances of the template with the values you want to change. Support for adding, editing, and displaying Structured Global Configuration Values is now available in the Driver and Driver-set GCV Preference pages. Structured GCVs can also be used on Shim Parameters and Job Parameters pages.
RBPM 3.7 Enhancements
Roles Driver and Provisioning Driver
RBPM 3.7 requires an updated Provisioning and Roles Service Driver. These new drivers are included in this release.
Team Editor
You can now create a team in Designer for a particular domain. A new Team Editor is also available. You can now view and edit the recently added attributes in the Team Editor.
Some of the deprecated attributes cannot be found in the new Team Editor. In addition, you can also view permissions for the new team.
Resource Editor
Designer 3.5 M1 includes the beta version of the Provisioning Resource Editor. Because the feature is not fully developed, it is recommended to create and edit all Resources by using the User Application.
Workflow Activity in the Provisioning Request Definition Editor
The release includes support for the Resource Binding activity, used in the Resource Approval workflow.
New Configuration Applications
SAP BizLogic and SAP GRC AC
These applications have been added to the Modeler Palette.
"With Designer 3.0, I can work in collaboration with other developers, each taking responsibility for one part of the project, and I can keep track of who changed what, when they made the changes, and most importantly, why."
"Designer has literally changed the way we work... The ability to work anywhere has increased our efficiency ten-fold!... The interface is intuitive and the on-line help is a tremendous source of reference... Designer is the obvious development platform for Identity Manager and helps solidify Novell's Identity Manager as a market leader for identity management solutions."