1. Application Framework: What's New

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1. Conditional Key Bindings

In the Designer preferences, you can now make custom key bindings for text editors under certain conditions. Just access preferences from the main menus and drill down to General -> Keys.

2. Markers View

You can open a new Markers View that will let you see all of your bookmarks, tasks, etc. From this view, you can manage all of your markers. If you double click on a marker, it will open the file and highlight the line. This view only works for text files right now. So, this would be used for artifacts like XML files. To show this view, go to the main Window menu and select Show View -> Other... -> General -> Markers.

3. Errors View Moved

It's now a little easier to get at. To access this, go to the main Window menu and select Show View -> General -> Error Log.