15.1 eDirectory Browser: What's New

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eDirectory Browser runs in background

The eDirectory browser view of Designer can be used to browse through the objects in any eDirectory tree. The tree can be browsed by expanding / collapsing the containers which fetches the objects from the remote server.

The time taken for remote operations such as connecting to a remote host or expanding a large container is indefinite. The amount of time taken is based on the connectivity/bandwidth such as VPN, LAN, the number objects in a container, etc.

The current behavior is that the whole Designer is blocked while a remote operation is in progress in the eDirectory browser.
The new change is that the remote operations of the eDirectory browser are performed in the background, so Designer will not be blocked and other operations such as import, deploy, saving changes, etc. can be performed.
While a remote operation is in progress, a progress bar at the bottom of the eDirectory browser view is displayed to indicate it's status as busy.

FIG 1: A remote operation of expanding a container is in progress in the background from the eDirectory Browser.

FIG 2: The remote operation running in the background is complete.