7. Provisioning : What's New

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1. New Category in the DAL Editor

A new Resources Category list is now provided in the DAL editor. It allows users to add, edit, or remove the categories used by the Provisioning Resources.

2. Association Tab in the Role Editor

The Role editor now has an Association tab. The Association page contains tables that list roles, entitlements, and resources associated with a role. The Entitlements table continues to provide the ability to add, edit, and remove entitlements. However, users are encouraged to begin associating entitlements to resources instead of roles, because roles will be deprecated in the future. The Resources table is a read-only list of resources associated with a role. Currently, the associations can be added and removed only by using the User Application Web client.

3. New Editor for Resources

The beta version of the Resource editor is now available for users to create, edit, and remove resources. Most of the functionality has been fully implemented, such as the ability to define categories, owners, and trustees, and grant and revoke approval processes.

The Entitlement and Request Form data is read-only. Currently the data can be configured only by using the User Application Web client.

4. Roles and Resource Configuration Editor

The Roles Configuration editor has been renamed as the Roles and Resources Configuration editor. It now manages configuration for both roles and resources. Several new properties are now configurable in the Roles and Resources Configuration editor, such as the default Entitlement Query Refresh Rate and Time-out.

5. New Team Editor

In Designer, you can now create a team for a particular domain. You can view and edit the recently added attributes to the team in the new editor. Some of the deprecated attributes cannot be found in the new Team editor.

In addition, you can also view permissions for the new team. The permissions are read-only. They can be configured only by using the User Application